
On an ICAC resignation and more

Today, readers comment on SA’s anti-corruption commissioner quitting in frustration, council meeting attendance and a local miner’s foreign takeover offer.

Outgoing ICAC Ann Vanstone KC's powers were curbed by parliament in 2021. Photos: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Outgoing ICAC Ann Vanstone KC's powers were curbed by parliament in 2021. Photos: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Commenting on the story: Recriminations and regret over ICAC’s shock resignation 

The Parliament did not reform ICAC: it effectively neutered ICAC. A hasty overreaction with unintended consequences. The question is – were they unintended? – Geoff Sauer

Commenting on the story: Roll call: City councillor attendance dips in 2024

It must be hard for Henry because I understand he lives up in the Hills in Mayo electorate. I think it should be a rule that Councillors at least live in their ward and attend meetings unless sick or with a really good reason.

Council pays generously for childcare and transportation so no excuse to not do your duties to the community. – Anne Moran  

Commenting on the story: Adelaide miner’s huge takeover offer from Indonesian giant 

Will the copper mined be processed in SA and developed into product in SA &/or Australia? Or will the ore be sold overseas and Australia buys back the product? Which is what has been happening for a while.

Time to value add to Australia’s resources. – Deborah Crossing

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