
Your views: on neglect, school camps and Russell Starke

Today, readers comment on disability care, a halt to school outings and an Adelaide arts identity.

Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Commenting on the opinion piece: Latest neglect case another victim of bureaucratic buck-passing

One issue common to all these cases is the lack of supervision. Did Integrity Care management ever visit Ann Marie Smith’s house to see what their employee was doing? Did the manager of Mr D’s service ever turn off their computer and walk down the passage to eyeball Mr D (and others living there) to check on his wellbeing?

This is now endemic in the disability and aged care sectors. Some charges laid against managers for criminal negligence might be necessary to make some changes. – Richard Bruggemann

Commenting on the story: COVID shuts classrooms as excursions and camps on hold

I am the operator of a tourism business that is reliant on Term 1 school camps. It is this government’s fault that early border openings damaged the tourism and hospitality sectors.

It’s infuriating to read that the Treasurer thinks that last year’s grants have anything to do with their decision to do nothing about school camps and excursions. This is a far worse problem (that they’ve created).

This time of year, our weekly school camp bookings would be delivering $100-$130k in revenue. Instead, Wilderness Escape Outdoor Adventures is losing $65,000 every week. We still have most of the overheads, I want to keep my staff (they’ve got families too) and there’s also payroll tax, insurance and all the people that keep us in business.

I’ve been in touch with our peak body (Outdoors SA) and our operation is similar to about six others. I know there are instructors, caterers, bus drivers and thousands of other people whose jobs are at risk.

Everybody is in a mess because salaried government workers and politicians can’t be bothered to help. The government’s inaction is poisoning special relationships between schools, camps and excursion providers. Kids are missing out. Friends in the outdoors industry tell me that schools are refusing to pay their deposits and cancellation fees.

I have no idea how we can keep going. What I do know is that we need real financial help, not fantasy numbers and misdirection from the Treasurer. – Andrew Govan, Wilderness Escape Outdoor Adventures

I represent Open Camps, a leading provider of Schools Camps at Victor Harbor. Not only do we operate school camps, we divert all surplus into community camping programs for disadvantaged children, autistic families and ex-service veterans and their families. 

Camps have a simple way of building social connections that provide welling outcomes beyond any classroom or therapy session. We know this, it’s undeniable. It’s almost frustrating that we have to keep saying it, particularly given the COVID stresses being experienced in society, the mental health crisis that will follow the pandemic. 

Since you published your article the extent of our sector challenges are worsening by the day and the lack of genuine interest and consultation by the Marshall Government is seriously concerning. They still have not met with our peak bodies, almost impossible to believe I realise. 

 As a long standing community service provider (over 90 years in the community) we are under enormous risk of operational failure – due only to the restraint of trade imposed on us by the Department for Education. We accept that the Department for Education have had the unenviable task of navigating a COVID Safe return for students. However, we as a sector have not been engaged on any aspect of this and worse, we have been patronised with comments such as “Some businesses in this sector have already received up to $40,000 in assistance.” . This is not an accurate representation by the SA Government as to the facts of the situation.

We are generally small to medium enterprises, many of us not-for-profits – and at best have received $12,000 in Government grants, which hardly supports an ongoing business model that has not operated since November 2021. We have been thrown into the “hospitality/tourism” definition by the government as lazy segmenting and this does not reflect who we are or what we do. If they would just meet with us, they would realise they have it so wrong. 

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We are losing staff, have insufficient income to pay bills and without a financial life line this will be the cause of organisations such as ours collapsing. Almost 100 years of service to our community now at risk of failure, caused by the very government agency that has sought our services – the Department for Education. 

We have not been restricted by COVID Health Advice direct to us (we all have COVID Safe plans issued by SA Health); our clients (Department for Education Schools) have been advised “not to attend camps”. We held legitimate bookings (contracts) and have invested significantly to ensure a great camp was available – all at cost to us. The outcome of the Department’s mandates will go way beyond the first four weeks of term. To think otherwise as has been indicated by the Department for Education is naive and indicates a lazy response to the reality. 

Instead of support, we have had to fight for outcomes that have extensively seen schools deny any payment despite legal contracts with us. 

As a genuine not for profit we sensibly operate a social enterprise that not only provides enormous benefits to school students, but funds entirely the community services we deliver.  Services that the SA Government tap into every day. 

Other states have responded quickly to the challenges being experienced by the sector, clearly as a leading example that they understand. Significant funding has been made available by the WA, Vic and NSW Government. So far, the Marshall government has not even met with the sector. Our peak bodies Outdoor SA, Australian Camps Association and Christian Venues Australia are ready and available to meet and welcome the opportunity. 

We continue to urge the Premier, the Minister for Education and the Treasurer to provide support of an equivalent package as other states before it’s too late. – Adam Hooper

Kids need to get outdoors. Kids need bonding and experiences that will cherish for a lifetime.

If they’re shutting camps down because of the higher risks in transportation, why are kids catching buses to school? If eating food on camp is such a risky activity why is okay to eat out at a busy restaurant? Why have we stopped checking in everywhere?

Covid is a convenient excuse to make poor decisions without proper consultation and risk management processes by professionals that understand what the risks are. I’m really disappointed in this really rash decision without thought. People are absolutely over it. – Carla Nielsen

Commenting on the story: Vale Russell Starke

An excellent review, capturing Russell’s elegant and charming presence. – Rod Lindquist

Well written Samela, and so true. Always interesting and interested, kind and thoughtful. Adelaide is the poorer for his passing. – Diana Motteram

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