
How the State Brand leads to increased revenue for SA businesses

The relaunch of Brand SA and its iconic logo is helping to drive positive sentiment for buying local products, but it also applies to services.

According to early findings on the effectiveness of Brand SA’s first marketing campaign in more than four years, the iconic State Brand is having an impact.

Brand SA chair Jane Jeffreys said the recently revived brand was helping to drive positive sentiment within South Australia for purchasing local products, however she stressed that it also applied to companies providing services.

“We urge all South Australian businesses to apply to use the State Brand, because there has been a misperception that it’s only applicable to products or to food business,” Jeffreys said.

“We’re conscious of the brand’s use being extended to service areas, like health, education, technology and energy.”

The former Brand SA was disbanded for four years until the Malinauskas government relaunched it in late 2022.

In its new incarnation, Brand SA is no longer a member-based organisation.

Sitting as a dedicated agency within the State Government, its role is to manage the State’s brand, build state pride, position and promote the state, and encourage spending with South Australian businesses.

Use of the State Brand is free to any organisation that qualifies to use it, with the application process taking only five minutes.

“Using the brand means that it’s easier for consumers to identify that you’re local. And of course, if people spend locally, then we’re creating more jobs, and it has a real flow on effect,” Jeffreys said.

Brand SA is currently undertaking research around the effectiveness of its Buy SA for SA campaign.

Jeffreys said the preliminary results are “positive” and suggest it has commenced with great success.

Since the campaign launched in August last year, the number of South Australians who associate the logo with local goods has risen to 90 per cent, compared with 72 per cent pre-campaign.

Importantly for local businesses, the number of South Australians who believe it is important to buy local has also risen, as have the shoppers who ‘actively’ seek local products when shopping.

Starting with a campaign to consumers focussed on the food and beverage industries was strategic.

“These industries offer a really comfortable and long-term success story for South Australia and they’re visible products that are widely available and easy for consumers to switch,” Jeffreys said.

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“The logical next step is to say, what about a campaign for other businesses in other sectors?”

Jeffreys said there had been an “overwhelmingly positive response” from the business community and broader sectors around keeping the State Brand and reinvigorating activity.

“Beyond our borders, we’re also looking to ensure that the collective use of the State Brand helps grow awareness about our state generally – to position South Australia as an outstanding destination to live, work, visit and do business,” she said.

The suite of materials for registered businesses includes free window decals and digital assets for use on websites, social media and digital, as well as in printed materials.

There are also plans to develop a wider library of marketing tools that businesses can access for their marketing materials.

Of the state’s more than 150,000 businesses – the vast majority being small businesses – over 9000 have registered to use it. Jeffreys said the aim is for that figure be “well over” 10,000 in the next three months.

Local companies currently using the logo include Fleurieu Milk Company, Spring Gully, Australian Native Food Company, Kytons Bakery and Health Partners, just to name a few.

“The other one you might have noticed just recently is The Yoghurt Shop,” Jeffreys said.

“A South Australian family business proudly displaying the logo on their products and packaging as they continue to expand their exports across Southeast Asia and the world.”

Brand SA has also partnered with others to draw attention to the State Brand at events, including Gluttony, the SALIFE Absolute Best Awards, the South Australian Business Chamber’s luncheon during Gather Round, and Small Business Week.

It is also working across government to get agencies aligned behind its use and promotion.

Jeffreys encouraged all local companies to register to use the State Brand and said even small or microbusinesses could benefit.

“We can provide good opportunities to profile businesses, as we’ve got a very strong social media presence that’s increasing all the time,” she said.

“We’re very happy to promote stories and information about businesses, particularly lesser known brands, which are equally as important to South Australia and to other businesses.”

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