
New SA top silks announced

The state’s Chief Justice has revealed the names of six new appointments as South Australian Senior Counsel.

Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Photo: Tony Lewis/InDaily

Chief Justice Chris Kourakis said today that the appointments were made after wide consultation with judicial and senior law officers and the legal profession.

He said Senior Counsel hold important leadership positions in the legal profession and selection criteria for selection include legal learning, experience and skill in advocacy, integrity, availability to prospective clients and independence.

The new Senior Counsel are: Carey Goodall SC, Nicholas Floreani SC, Carmen Matteo SC, Jane Abbey SC, Chad Jacobi SC and Gillian Walker SC.

Carey Goodall SC holds an Honours degree in Law from the University of Adelaide and was admitted to practice in February 1984. He joined the Independent Bar in 1996. Mr Goodall SC practices in the areas of commercial construction, engineering, arbitration, mediation, insurance, commercial contracts and civil claims, including personal injury litigation. He has appeared in the Supreme Court and District Court and acted as junior counsel in superior Courts, including the High Court.

Nicholas Floreani SC holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Queensland University of Technology and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Adelaide and was admitted to practice in March 1997. He joined the Independent Bar in 2003. He practices in commercial litigation, with expertise in building and construction litigation and alternative dispute resolution. Mr Floreani SC has appeared in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal of the Northern Territory, the High Court and the District Court of South Australia.

Carmen Matteo SC holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts from Flinders University and was admitted to practice in May 1999. She is a criminal law practitioner and Senior Prosecutor in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (SA). Ms Matteo SC conducts trials in the Supreme and District Courts, being predominantly prosecutions for homicides, serious sexual offences and offences of violence. She appears in the Court of Appeal on criminal appeals against sentence and conviction.

Jane Abbey SC holds an Honours degree in Law (First Class) from Flinders University and was admitted to practice in February 2001. She joined the Independent Bar in 2012. Ms Abbey SC predominantly practices in criminal law, appearing as counsel in jury trials and trials by judge alone, as a Prosecutor with the Office of the DPP (SA) and as a member of the Independent Bar. Ms Abbey has appeared in the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal and in the Magistrates Court.

Chad Jacobi SC holds Honours degrees in Law and Economics and was admitted to practice in February 2001. He joined the Independent Bar in 2016. Mr Jacobi SC practices principally in public law including administrative, constitutional, employment and professional discipline, and criminal law, particularly regulatory prosecutions. He appears in all courts and tribunals and in Royal Commissions and confidential inquiries.

Gillian Walker SC holds an Honours degree in Law and a Bachelor of Arts from Macquarie University and a Masters of Law from the University of Melbourne. She was admitted to practice in NSW in May 2003 and in SA in October 2007, joining the Independent Bar in 2010. She has a broad civil practice encompassing commercial disputes, employment and industrial matters, insolvency matters, construction disputes, regulatory proceedings, professional disciplinary matters and appeals. Ms Walker SC appears in the Supreme Court and District Courts of South Australia, the South Australian Employment Tribunal and South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

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Kourakakis said the appointments of the Senior Counsel was “a significant event for the successful applicants, for the legal profession and the South Australian community”.

“Senior Counsel are leaders of the profession who adhere to the highest standards of legal excellence and integrity. The Chief Justice congratulates the Senior Counsel announced today,” he said.

“They have earned this recognition through the diligent performance of their duties to the Courts and their clients.”

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