
Govt moves on ‘dysfunctional’ union after AFL brawl

One of Australia’s largest unions could soon split as the federal government introduces a new demerger bill in reaction to threats from the union’s Victorian branch to the AFL.

CFMEU Victorian secretary John Setka. Photo supplied

CFMEU Victorian secretary John Setka. Photo supplied

The proposed laws would allow the manufacturing division of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) to split from the broader organisation if supported by a vote.

It comes as the union’s Victorian secretary John Setka demands the AFL fire its umpiring chief, a former head of the Australian Building and Construction Commission, and threatens work-to-rule to delay AFL projects such as a new Adelaide Crows headquarters to add pressure.

Workplace relations minister Tony Burke said the bill give the manufacturing division a choice.

“The status quo is dysfunctional and cannot continue,” he said.

“We will provide the opportunity for members of the manufacturing division to vote on their future.

“The members in the manufacturing decision include workers in largely feminised industries like textiles – and it’s not hard to see why those members might want to leave.”

Setka has been involved in a string of workplace controversies and a public breakdown of his marriage to Emma Walters in his decade at the helm of the Victoria and Tasmania CFMEU.

The union boss was expelled from the Labor Party in 2019 over accusations he told colleagues anti-family violence campaigner Rosie Batty’s advocacy had led to men having fewer rights.

He has rejected the allegations.

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie has previously called for textile, footwear and clothing workers to be able to hold a secret ballot to vote to leave the CFMEU, saying they deserved “freedom” from Setka.

The CFMEU Manufacturing Division national secretary Michael O’Connor welcomed the opportunity.

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“The government is doing the right thing, they have listened to us and are respecting the good judgment of our members,” he said.

“We thank Senator Lambie and Minister Burke who are backing us in to give our members an opportunity for a brighter future outside of the CFMEU and a more respected and active role in the labour movement, free from the shackles of the dysfunctional CFMEU.”

Mining union members of the CFMEU voted to split from the union in 2023.


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