
Adam Bandt elected unopposed as Greens leader

Adam Bandt has been elected unopposed as Greens leader following the resignation of Richard Di Natale.

Feb 04, 2020, updated Feb 04, 2020
Greens leader Adam Bandt, one of the signatories on a letter to the government warning they won't rush through a bill "that doesn't make the grade". Photo: AAP/David Crosling

Greens leader Adam Bandt, one of the signatories on a letter to the government warning they won't rush through a bill "that doesn't make the grade". Photo: AAP/David Crosling

Bandt was formally endorsed by his federal party room colleagues in Canberra today.

Larissa Waters and Nick McKim have been elected co-deputies.

Bandt has made his intentions clear. He wants to fight for a “green new deal” and wean Australia off fossil fuels in favour of renewables.

“We are in the middle of a climate emergency and long-running jobs and inequality crises,” Bandt said.

“People are angry and anxious because the government has no plan for the big problems facing the country.”

Waters was elected for the first co-deputy position unopposed.

The other was a three-way contest between South Australian senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Mehreen Faruqi and McKim.

– with AAP

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