
Campaign launched to attract workers to regional SA

Regional Development South Australia has begun a drive to tell urbanites about the benefits of living and working outside of the city.

The campaign includes a series of videos from each of the seven Regional Development regions explaining what the area can offer new arrivals.

The regions include the Far North, Yorke and Mid North, Eyre Peninsula, Murraylands, Barossa Gawler Light, Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island, and the Limestone Coast.

The campaign has been launched in conjunction with a regional blueprint created in collaboration with the regional development authorities to outline the priorities across the state.

The Hon Rob Kerin, the Executive Chair of Regional Development South Australia, stated in the blueprint that it will drive regional economic success by highlighting the strengths, priorities and opportunities in each region.

“You will find information on individual regional pages, but you will also see common issues that affect all regions, including regional workforce, migration, housing, water, infrastructure and investment,” he wrote.

The blueprint points to a workforce willing to relocate in response to the pandemic as the greatest opportunity at the moment.

It states that the job mobility rate has increased by approximately 20 percent since the pandemic began.

Regional Development South Australia is banking on the fact that “more people are choosing to spend more time where they want to be, rather than where they think they need to be” in its drive to lure people into the regions.

Noting that a record low jobless rate means increased competition, the organisation has prioritised the availability of jobs coupled with lifestyle in its campaign.

The campaign message is that a move to the region allows people to have thriving careers, businesses and families.

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Regional Development South Australia is prioritising helping people establish businesses outside the city as well as ensuring there is a large enough skills base to support these businesses and the major projects – such as updating energy grids.

RDSA is promoting job boards in the regions where people can find positions or sign up to be alerted to jobs.

In the past week on four of the most active job boards there were more than 308 positions advertised, with the Far North having the most at 108.

A scan of the boards shows a steady need for professionals, especially medical staff, teachers and engineers.

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