
SA’s agriculture by the numbers should make you want to act

How much do you know about the state’s agricultural output? Brush up on the stats here, then nominate a worthy contender for 2024 Ag Town of the Year. Voting closes this Wednesday.

Lameroo grain silos. Photo: Unsplash/Michael Skopal

Lameroo grain silos. Photo: Unsplash/Michael Skopal

In 2022-23, the state’s primary industries and agribusiness revenue reached a record $18.5 billion – almost one-seventh of gross state product.

There are now around 4,500 grain farms spanning the state from the western Eyre Peninsula to the Mid North, the South East to Kangaroo Island.

Together they produce about 20 per cent of Australia’s total grain production.

Major crops include wheat, barley, lentils and canola and the state’s grain exports in 2022-23 were valued at $5.6 billion.

Incidentally, South Australia produces more lentils than any other state or territory in Australia.

The state is also big on potatoes, producing around one-third of the nation’s crop by value and volume.

We have 100 potato producers across the Riverland, Murray Mallee and the South East growing 545,000 tonnes.

Most of our potatoes are sold on the eastern seaboard, while 4 per cent of our spuds end up on plates in South Korea and the Philippines.

In 2022–23, our horticulture industry – vegetables, fruits and nuts – generated $1.17 billion in farmgate revenue, while exports totalled $542 million.

The main growing regions are the Riverland with citrus, stonefruit and almonds; Limestone Coast with vegetable seeds, onions and processing potatoes; Murray Mallee for potatoes, onions and carrots; and Adelaide Hills where the cool climate produces apples, pears, cherries and strawberries.

That same year, the state produced 474 million litres of milk, with almost two-thirds coming from the Limestone Coast.

Australians on average each drink 93 litres of milk each year and not everything SA produces ends up in the fridges of our local supermarkets.

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The state exports milk and value-added dairy products, like cheese and butter to China, Indonesia, Thailand and other markets. In the 12 months to January, this was worth more than $134 million.

In 2022–23, our livestock industry generated $2.39 billion in farmgate revenue. While the wool industry delivered $460 million and the dairy industry $34 million in farmgate revenue.

In SA’s sustainable timber plantations, around 8 million trees are planted each year, ending up as everything from textiles and paper, to timber for the building industry.

Our forestry industry’s value in 2022-23 was $1.46 billion.

Each of the state’s agricultural industries is supported by a network of regional towns, and the Agricultural Town of the Year program serves as an important platform for showcasing the innovative and world-class agricultural practices in use across the state.

It also helps to bring attention to the many entrepreneurial agricultural businesses that are diversifying, value-adding and experimenting to create a stronger future for each of their communities.

The Ag Town of the Year program is run by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.

Every town in South Australia is eligible for nomination and anyone can nominate one or more favourites by this Wednesday, June 5.

Nominate a town now.

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