
Rundle Street restaurant evicted

A restaurant which traded in Rundle St for years has been evicted over claims of more than $30,000 in unpaid rent.

Jul 23, 2024, updated Jul 23, 2024
A popular CBD dumpling restaurant has been evicted from its storefront after falling behind on rent payments. Photo: Isabella Kelly / InDaily

A popular CBD dumpling restaurant has been evicted from its storefront after falling behind on rent payments. Photo: Isabella Kelly / InDaily

In a notice dated July 15 and posted on the Dumplings R Us doors at 187 C Rundle St, OM Holdings, the company leasing the premises gave notice of termination of the lease and re-entry of the site.

The main notice addressed to Yang Shi Culture Pty Ltd, the registered entity trading as Dumplings R Us, claims a total of $33,732.87 of rent has been unpaid by the company.

The notice said Om Holdings had authorised an agent to re-enter the premises, claiming rent had been unpaid for the period of May 1 2024 to July 31 2024.

Notices posted on the storefront announced the termination of lease and re-entry of the building. Photo: Isabella Kelly / InDaily

Claiming additional legal costs in another notice posted, OM Holdings claimed Yang Shi Culture owes a total of $37,732.87.

As part of the re-entry of the premises, all goods on the premises have been seized, with an inventory posted that lists 50 categories of goods being held.

The seized goods range from tables and chairs, beverages and cooking utensils, to a bug zapper and clock.

A two-page inventory list of goods seized as part of the re-entry was posted on the door. Photo: Isabella Kelly / InDaily

The notice terminated a lease which it said was set to expire in August 2026, having begun September 2019.

InDaily attempted to contact both Ying Shi Culture and Om Holdings for comment.

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